Smile Care

From routine cleanings and exams to emergency care and surgical treatments, we are committed to providing excellent personalized care for your child.

Lip and Tongue Ties

For many mothers, it’s obvious that their infant has a problem when feeding issues arise. For children, oral development may appear normal until they reach specific developmental benchmarks, or their problem remained undiagnosed in infancy. When facial growth has been disrupted parents notice problems with speech, breathing, or alignment of teeth. Restriction of tissues in the mouth are referred to as tethered oral tissues, ties, or frenulums and they may be the cause of these problems. Fortunately, these ties may be released with a procedure called a frenectomy.

Special Needs Care

We specialize in care for all infants and children including those with special health care needs. Incorporating their unique needs and preferences allows us to tailor their environment and care to ensure they are comfortable. Dr. Miller completed three years of additional training following dental school and the majority of that time was spent working with children who required medical precautions or adaptations. We are committed to consulting your child’s healthcare team to collaborate and develop an appropriate care plan together.

Pediatric Dentistry

Routine Exams

Time for your child's first dental visit or have questions about your child's oral development? We offer routine examinations to evaluate for cavities and monitor growth.

Topical Fluoride Treatment

Application of topical fluoride both strengthens teeth and kills bacteria that cause cavities.

Dental Prophylaxis (Teeth Cleaning)

Dental cleanings ensure we remove plaque that might prevent us from seeing if any cavities are starting to form. One reason you might choose a pediatric dentist for these visits is we can demonstrate and review oral hygiene techniques with you and your child in a simple, age-appropriate way.


For small cavities, remineralization products provide an option that preserves as much natural tooth structure as possible.

Composite Restorations

Composite restorations are what we typically think of as a filling. They are tooth-colored and mechanically bonded to the tooth structure.


On front teeth, a zirconia crown (similar to a tooth-colored crown for adult permanent teeth) is a durable option with a great esthetic result. On back teeth, we use either a zirconia or stainless steel crown depending on the size of the cavity, fit of the bite, and parent preference.

Tooth Extractions

Extraction of baby teeth may be needed if they cannot be saved with restorative treatment or if an infection has damaged the surrounding bone structure. Primary teeth may also need to be extracted if they are interfering with proper growth and development.

Dental Emergency Trauma

Need an emergency pediatric dentist in Bellevue? Trauma to the face can result in fractured, displaced, or avulsed teeth. When these things happen, it is best if you reach out to us immediately so we can triage and determine if urgent treatment is needed. Some injuries are not time sensitive while others, like avulsion, are seriously impacted by delays in care.

Orofacial Trauma

When trauma to the mouth occurs, radiographs are typically needed to determine the extent of the damage and if any treatment is needed. For infants these injuries occur from falls. In children, sports and outdoor activities are the most common causes of orofacial trauma.

Behavior Guidance

For some kids, dental visits can produce anxious feelings. Our team has extensive training in behavior guidance techniques. In each appointment we customize our strategies for your child. We adapt as we go and utilize the techniques that your child is most receptive to.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous, known as laughing gas, provides relaxation and relieves some of the anxiety children may feel while they are receiving dental treatment. While we work very hard to minimize the discomfort of treatment, we expect some aspects of care will be uncomfortable. For some children, having someone in their personal space or having limited control of their sensory experience can induce anxiety. Often, nitrous oxide can relieve those fears.

Mild Sedation

Mild sedation is performed in our office with an oral medication that will result in your child feeling sleepy but not falling asleep. The ideal sedation for us maintains your child's ability to follow instructions but increases their level of cooperation and comfort.

General Anesthesia

We enlist the help of a physician anesthesiologist to provide general anesthesia in our office. General anesthesia involves medication that ensures your child is completely asleep for the duration of the procedure. For some children, very young or especially fearful, it is the only way to complete needed treatment.

“ We had such a great experience at Expedition Pediatric Dentistry! My daughter can have stranger anxiety in new situations. Dr. Miller handled that so well! She was patient and played with my daughter until she was feeling comfortable enough to get a look at her teeth. We will be back for further appointments!”

Wendy L.